Making difficult decisions are what will decide if as a business owner that you can succeed. Notice I did not say that making right decisions would decide if you succeeded or not, but just making the decisions. Many times business owners fail because of analysis paralysis. This is the most deadly disease a business can get. As a friend of my taught me many years ago, not making a decision is making a decision to not decide. These 7 business tips will help you avoid this deadly disease.
Tip #1 Be willing to succeed:
Start out with a plan and plan to succeed. If you have built a true business plan before you started your business and you have tweaked it as time goes by, you will have the best tool to help you make a decision. Go back and read your plan often. Look for places where it can be improved when it does not need to be. Solve problems before the arise and you will not have them arise.
Tip #2 Do not get delusional in expecting overnight success:
It is easy to dream that success will com easy, but the reality is that a lot of hard work goes into the making of a great business. Many people have proven that all the money in the world does not make a business succeed. A lot of business owners believe the "lottery winner" mentality. Understand that you will have to make the decision and then make it work. Not making a decision will create a situation later on that will be worse to solve.
Tip #3 Learn and practice the basics:
Most business models have very basic procedures that make them succeed. Most decisions will be based around those procedures. Never make wholesale changes away from what you knew would work when you started. Decide what will have to be done for the decision to improve your situation. Then do it.
Tip #4 Always ask for input (whether there are agreeing or not agreeing)
Having a tough hide is important in being an entrepreneur. You have to be able to see all sides of a topic and at times we get to close to the topic. Sometimes our best advisors will be those that argue the hardest will be those that will help use succeed.
Tip #5 Do not get defensive about your decisions:
When you are defensive it is a normal response to not fully believing in your decisions. When you know that what you have done you do not have to get loud. I have learned that normally the louder the defense the weaker the decision.
Tip #6 Ask Stupid Questions:
It is not more true than it is as a business owner, the only stupid question is the one that does not get asked. If you have a question in your mind, there is a doubt somewhere in your mind. Not having the answer will make your decision weaker and you want the strongest decision possible.
Tip #7 Give yourself a break:
Give yourself a break in several ways. First give yourself a break about your decision. When my dad passed away several years ago the one thing that everyone said about him was he never had any regrets about any decision he had made. He lived with the outcome no matter if it cost him money or made him money. The key was he made his own decision.
Next, while it takes hard work to make a business succeed, you need to give your body and your mind a break. You deserve it, being fresh and strong makes it easier to make those tough decisions. So reenergize and get ready to tackle the tough decisions.
To learn more about Mike and Becky Shipman's nearly 50 years in business and how they keep a fresh outlook on growing their businesses visit them at www.threepercentbusiness.com
Becky has been a business owner and Registered nurse for over 35 years. She brings two successful careers in focus by helping others reach success. She and her husband are currently restoring a 160 old home in east central Alabama.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Becky_Shipman
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