1. Show your talent
Portfolio - post your portfolio online, you will be able to show future clients that you have the right mix of skills and qualifications to do the job. When you post your portfolio online you will be visible to everyday opportunities, recent studies show that more than 1/3 of Americans go online daily and 2/3 go online at least once a month. No matter what line of work you are in, you have a potential audience of people online. Do not simply keep your portfolio on your own site. Showcasing your portfolio in different websites you will be able to reach over 215 million online visitors in the US.
In this way you will be able to show up your competition, small businesses have grown 46% faster utilizing websites than those who don't - American City Business Journals. Also, you will be able to reach more people.
2. Making your business famous
Profile/Video - your profile is the first chance to make a connection with your future clients, to really make a positive impression.
It's almost like the first meeting face to face, like the first hand shake. Studies show that the first 30 seconds in any meeting determines the future relationship. It's really important to make a great impression. Create an online profile and video to be able to show your talent to the world. Humans remember 20% of what we hear and 30% of what we see, but 50% of what we both see and hear. 85% of the information taken into the brain enters through the eyes and the largest part of the brain is set aside to process information taken in visually.
3. Customer loyalty = loyal business
Feedback, survey, web presence, customer service - satisfied customers tells 3 friends, angry customers tell 3,000.
Study of 1,000 retailers show that 43% of customers abandoned a provider because of a negative experience and 30% felt that they were not treated as valued customers - Acumen Research Group
Studies show, when you receive positive feedback on our website, you can increase sales by 15-20%. Feedback can give you credibility - you'll get positive feedback if your customers are satisfied with their product or services you provide. "in the end... there is only one point of view that matters, there is only on perspective that matters... the customers." - Jeffrey Gitomer.
4. Make a new friend
People like to do business with friends, make a friend, make more business. Build your customer base with name recognition. Becoming a recognizable name is not that easy or everyone would do it but something you can do to help your chances is to post your portfolio everywhere, go to trade shows, get involved in your industries community network.
Everyone wants referral business, yet few people understand how to get it. It always seems that our competitors are benefitting from word of mouth advertising through referrals. This all depends on making the right connections. * People will do business with people they have been told they can trust.
For example, if you are a personal shopper and you network and build a relationship with a personal trainer. When this personal trainer has a client who has lost a lot of their weight, they will need and want to buy new clothes that fit them.
Here is where the referral process kicks in. If you have a relationship with that personal trainer, you can refer customers back and forth. With our networking system you can maximize your referrals through other professionals, while building relationships and positive word of mouth advertising.
Keep connected - most clients will need to be revisited again in the future. They will probably need your services again. Take time to catch up with past clients may lead to new work. It's a good idea to organize your contact info of your past clients so that you can easily follow-up in the future.
5. Blogging and Networking
Creating a blog is a great way to reach clients who have a specific interest in your company, or share your interests, product or services. You can post opinions, create product reviews, talk about new services you offer and this will attract visitors and new clients while influencing others. Blog post will help you draw traffic to the blog itself and they will convert to clients. If you run a blog with an active readership you will benefit from hugely improved name recognition. *You have the knowledge and ability.
A blog is one of the best and cheapest methods to share your voice with others. Additionally, your credibility can be helped as well with just a profile and portfolio it's very difficult for visitors to know and understand you. With a blog you will become more transparent to your readers and that can give you added credibility that can help you attract more inquires. Networking is a great way to improve your business. Building a strong network of friends and colleagues can lead to more referral work, opportunities and sharing of clients.
Also, tapping into your network of friends and associates is an excellent way to leverage knowledge of your competition. You need to think out of the box, here is what I mean, you need to not just depend on your friend and associates, you need to talk with everyone about your network. Make your network different, talk about something that stands out and is important to people and offer new information in it. Ideas where you can increase visibility for your network - coffee shop, fitness or sports gym, car wash, malls, etc.
6. Party with your business - events, seminars, trade shows
An event will give you the advantage of meeting with your clients face to face. You'll have the chance to personally connect with your clients.
You should make all your events educations, interesting, fun and something memorable. You should offer something new and helpful for your clients and it should be about what you do to help them and what you can offer for them to improve their business.
Studies show that through event education, it will be easy for you to get connected to your future clients, also you will appear less "sales" and more helpful and caring about your clients.
7. Sell your stuff
You create it, you can sell it. You design your own stuff, you have your own brand to sell and you area proud of it but you don't know how to get it out - utilize online shopping.
In 2006 online sales were $146.4 billion and in 2007 it jumped 19% to $174.5 billion- National Retail Federation (NRF). By this option you will reach your target faster and more easily. The #1 activity on the internet by consumers today is purchasing - US Dept of Commerce.
Author Name: Oz Ahmad of Yougoz Group, an online community where people match with qualified professionals in Fitness, Health and Fashion. Visit us at: http://www.yougoz.com/.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Oz_Ahmad
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1894594
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